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St. Paul in whose name our school is founded, was an ardent follower or apostle of Jesus Christ, the founder of Christianity.

He was born of Jewish parents between 5 and 15 A.D, in Tarsus, a city having privileged citizenship from Rome. He studied under the famous teacher Gamaliel in Jerusalem. He was a rigid pharisee and a tent maker by trade. His original name was Saul.

He was a rapid persecutor of Christians. Once as he was on his way to Damascus to arrest Christians and bring them back to Jerusalem for trial, he experienced a special encounter with Christ and that led to his conversion. At this point, his name was changed from Saul to Paul.

St. Paul was probably the first greatest religious genius that Christianity has ever known. Being equally familiar with Jewish and Greek culture, he was admirably fitted by nature and training for the great work God had assigned to him to free the Christian Church from Jewish sectarianism.

His 13 Apostolic writings to the various communities have remained a well-spring of truth down to our own day. He was arrested during the persecution period of Nero and was beheaded outside the city of Rome in the year 67 A.D.

St. Paul's life can be summed up in his words; "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh live by faith in the son of God, who loved me and gave himself for my sake. I do not nullify the grace of God..." - (Gal. 2:19-21). May the Great Saint shower his blessings upon us today and always.